This supplement provides additional information on using the Lightbox integration with Wix. Please read our standard Lightbox instructions first.
*Important: When following the instructions below, please be sure to replace [subdomain] with your actual subdomain.
How to Install the Header/Footer Plugin and Booking Lightbox Script
Log into Wix and click on Manage & Edit Site
Under Site Manager, choose Tracking & Analytics
Click the + New Tool button and choose Custom
Under "Paste the code snippet here", enter<script type="text/javascript" src="https://[subdomain]"></script>
Under Name enter Starboard Suite
Under Add Code to Page, choose Load code once
Under Place Code in, choose Head
Click Apply
Then, for any link/button/etc that you want to open the lightbox, use the following URL:
No special class is required.
Advanced Customization
Our standard Lightbox Integration allows advanced customization through "data tags" that you add to the <a tag. With Wix, those same properties can be controlled by adding a query string to the target URL instead.
The following options can be entered using a query string:
width=[px or %]
height=[px or %]
max-height=[px or %]
max-width=[px or %]
border-size=[px or %]
border-color=[px or %]
For example, to hide the gift certificate and concierge links use the following:
These can be used in combination with event/type selections as well. For example: