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Using our WordPress plugin
Mike avatar
Written by Mike
Updated over a week ago


  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard (usually

  • Click on Plugins > Add New

  • Search for “Starboard Suite”

  • Click Install Now on the “Starboard Suite Reservation Calendar” plugin

  • After installation, click Activate


  • Click the Starboard Suite Menu on the Dashboard

  • Enter your Starboard Suite subdomain (e.g.,

  • Click Save Changes

Using Short Codes

Booking Lightbox

  • In the WordPress Dashboard, enter Edit mode on the Post or Page you want to include the Booking Lightbox link.

  • The Booking Lightbox link uses and opening and closing tag: [starboard-suite-lightbox]<link content>[/starboard-suite-lightbox].

  • The <link content> can be any HTML element (text, button, image, etc.) that will hyperlink to the Booking Lightbox.

  • For a simple Book Now link, enter [starboard-suite-lightbox]Book Now[/starboard-suite-lightbox].

Booking Lightbox Options
The Lightbox shortcode accepts the following options:

  • tour_type_id – open to a specific Event Type or parent Event Type

  • departure_location_id – open to a specific Departure Location or parent Departure Location

  • vessel_id – open to a specific Resource

  • width – specify the width of the lightbox (the default is 100%).

  • height—specify the height of the lightbox (the default is 100%).

  • max-height—specify the maximum height of the lightbox

  • max-width—specify the maximum width of the lightbox (the default is 1290px).

  • border-size—specify the border size (the default is 10px).

  • border-color—specify the border color with any valid CSS color (default is white).

  • hide-giftcertificate—hide the Buy Gift Certificates icon (default is false).

  • hide-concierge—hide the concierge login link (default is false)

  • show-printpass—show a print icon on the boarding pass (default is false).

  • notify-printpass-navigateaway—show an alert before closing the lightbox if the boarding pass has not been printed (default is false)

To specify any of the above options, enter them inside the opening tag, separated by spaces. For example, the following short code would create a link opening a Booking Lightbox that is 800px wide, a yellow border that is 30px and would hide the gift certificate icon:

[starboard-suite-lightbox width="800px" border-size="30px" border-color="yellow" hide-giftcertificate="true"]Book Now[/starboard-suite-lightbox].

Embedded Calendar

  • In the WordPress Dashboard, enter Edit mode on the Post or Page you want to include the calendar.

  • For an embedded calendar with default options, type [starboard-suite-embedded] in the Visual edit window where you want the embedded calendar to appear. By default, the calendar will appear at 100% width and 600px height.

  • To change the height or width of the embedded calendar, specify the height and/or width settings in the short code, e.g., [starboard-suite-embedded width="400px" height="500px"].

  • To determine which events get displayed on the calendar, the short code allows you to specify the departure_location_id and/or tour_type_id, e.g., [starboard-suite-embedded width="400px" height="500px" departure_location_id=10 tour_type_id=473]

  • For advanced use, the short code also accepts any valid CSS style setting, e.g., [starboard-suite-embedded width="400px" height="500px" border="3px solid red"]

Linking Menu Items

To have a menu item open the booking lightbox, do the following:

  • In your WordPress Dashboard, go to Appearance->Menus

  • Click Custom Links

  • Enter the following URL, replacing <yoursubdomain> with your Starboard Suite subdomain: https://<yoursubdomain>

  • Add the Link Text (e.g., Book Now).

  • Click the Add to Menu button

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