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Overview: integrating with Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager
Overview: integrating with Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager
Yvonne avatar
Written by Yvonne
Updated over a week ago

If you use Google Analytics to track your website traffic, you can connect Google Analytics to Starboard Suite as well.

Doing so allows us to post details about your Starboard traffic and sales back to your Google Analytics account.

Be sure to configure the right product and version

Google has a number of different tracking products and versions.

For effective tracking, the Google product version you configure in Starboard Suite must match the Google product version you use on your main website.

For example, if you use Tag Manager on your website, you should configure your Starboard account to use Tag Manager as well.

Learn how to set up your preferred integration below:

Easier to set up than Google Tag Manager

Less control and flexibility

More difficult to set up

Total control and flexibility

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