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Integrating with Google Ads
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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

If you haven't yet connected Google Analytics or Tag Manager to Starboard Suite, please start there.

With our Google Ads integration, you can track e-commerce conversions into your Google Ads and Analytics accounts.

Google has a number of different tracking products and versions (e.g., GA4, Tag Manager) whose implementations overlap in a variety of ways.

Google Ads + Tag Manager

If you're using Google Tag Manager, there's no need to enable Google Ads in Starboard Suite. Instead, you should configure your Tag Manager account to connect directly to Google Ads.

Enable Google Ads in Starboard Suite

  1. In your Control Panel, go to Admin->App Store

  2. Activate the Google Ads app

  3. Enter the conversion id (e.g., AW-12345678) and conversion label that Google provided

Technical details

Setting up the Adwords integration in Starboard Suite requires the same steps regardless of which Google product you use, however the way that Starboard sends data to Google Ads will depend on your specific integration.

If you're using Google Ads with Global Site Tag or GA4

Completed boarding passes will include the conversion id, conversion label and value, and will be added as a "conversion event" to your Global Site Tag or GA4 integration.

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